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sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

Reputation risk is the top strategic business risk

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Reputation risk is the top strategic business risk

Deloitte in 2014 Global survey reputation risk references too some examples of ways in which reputations can be tarnished:  “News websites have readers redirected to fake news, damaging their credibility — and the credibility of online news in general...” . Other consequence “Leading retailers take big reputation hits and sales plummet after losing large amounts of customer and credit card data to cyberattacks...”  “But in a world of ubiquitous social media, managing customer expectations and perceptions is key”.

What has changed so that now security is no longer the major risk for a company?
We know that the security of information is basic for our company. Are we worried only about what we don't have?

Social media are smart and fast, but…  Can our marketing take advantage of that?  Perhaps big companies can, but can we?
Why all experts speak only about startups or big company?  Where are micro, small and medium companies?

This is another sample of ignorance and lack of real experience in our companies and we must wary of lot of information that we can read about this.
It is easy speak about big companies about their success of failure and speak about Startups, but you need know and to be specialist for speak about micro, small and medium  companies.
Is it difficult? Yes, but there's the quality that we need.

Have we learned to live with insecurity? Every day news about security matters becomes more worrisome, and the concerns about cybersecurity are becoming ever more important.  - We cannot lose this perspective   and this must always be present in our mindset 

Maybe it’s only the consequence of hiding our heads in the sand on security issues previously, but what can our reputation depend on now? 

We always knew that it depended on our quality, the quality of our products and services, our sales and technical people.  Why then are we more worried about it than before?

We decided to explain everything to the whole world and to play in social media without knowing the rules of the game, and we have put the responsibility in the hands of people who are supposed to know a lot about marketing and social media, but perhaps they didn’t know anything about our business or have experience with it.

Have we now lost control of our reputation?  

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