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martes, 14 de julio de 2015

BYOD are you sure?

Last year, 60 percent of all targeted attacks struck small- and medium-sized organizations.

These organizations often have fewer resources to invest in security, and many are still not adopting basic best practices like blocking executable files and screensaver email attachments. This puts not only the businesses, but also their business partners, at higher risk.

(Symantec Internet threat security report 2015) 

I think there is a simpler answer: there are more small and medium organizations than big ones.
The financial people have not enough with ruin the economy, they also ruined the IT departments and put many companies at risk.  The results speak for themselves.

It is a sign of the great lie of our "bring your own device." BYOD
The first presentations I had the opportunity to hear from the hand of some "Evangelists" belonging to the world's leading companies with thousands of employees such as Cisco, Dell or HP, summarized in small letter in the early years of the global crisis as very simple:

If we give an employee € 1,500 and he goes to your much cheaper laptop in a Media Markt (for example), then I don’t need give him a computer and support for three years”.

Companies have spent millions of dollars to obtain this result:


“This allows the firing of many people in our help desk and moving the user problems with the PC's outside our area of support. The result is that we can save millions of dollars.”

It was a bad financial decision, not a technical or professional one.

Now all presentations for  investments of thousands of dollars are based on tools with all kinds  of securitization, deployment of applications, support applications, and monitoring users with heterogeneous platforms. Worse, if we recognize that 90% of security problems are due to this and it’s reflect some of the attitudes of the end users.
Lack of knowledge and weaknesses and user error show that this decision was a serious mistake or  one perfectly planned and with awareness of its consequences to speculative financial decisions.

My conclusion:

The device, which only allow use corporate applications, must belong to the company.

Result: It is cheaper, more secure, more logical and more functional.
IT people must learn to be financial advisers too.

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